Fault Analysis and Fault Monitoring System Development of the PT Fuses in Distribution Network |
Li Bing, Ding Shunqing, Xu Feng, Yang Yi, Liu Jie |
State Grid Chongqing Pengshui County Power Supply Co., Ltd, Chongqing 409600 |
Abstract PT Fuse is an important power system equipment. For the reason of the PT fuse failure, we proposed a new method of voltage and current double detection. We establish Matlab/Simulink fuse failure model to analyze the relationship between current and voltage PT fuse failure between the cause of the failure, and simulation calculation of diagnostic techniques fuse failure were studied. The results showed that the ferromagnetic resonance of low frequency faults and saturation current system is the main cause of PT fuse blown fault. Therefore, the detection of the voltage and current characteristic value, has important implications for the diagnosis of PT fuse failure.
Published: 19 May 2016
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Li Bing,Ding Shunqing,Xu Feng等. Fault Analysis and Fault Monitoring System Development of the PT Fuses in Distribution Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(5): 59-62.
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