Preventive Control of Improving Wind-thermal Bundled System Transient Stability based on Trajectory Sensitivity |
Ren Zhenyu1, Zhang Shi2, Tian Chaohua3, Hu Weiguo3, Huang Shan3 |
1. Inner Mongolia electric power Refco Group Ltd, Hohehot 010000; 2. Northeast Dianli University, Jilin, Jilin 132012; 3. Shenzhen Supply Company, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000 |
Abstract To improve the transient stability of the wind-thermal bundled system is an urgent research topic. In this paper, an approximate linear relationship between leading thermal generator and critical clearing time of the wind-thermal bundled system is obtained by combining theoretical analysis with case analysis. On the basis of that, the control method of the thermal power unit output redistribution is also given. And then the validity of the proposed method is verified by using the northwest Jiuquan region power grid. Furthermore, the example analysis found that the control method in improving the wind-thermal bundled system transient stability can reduce the network loss, which can improve efficiency of wind-thermal system.
Published: 22 June 2016
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Ren Zhenyu,Zhang Shi,Tian Chaohua等. Preventive Control of Improving Wind-thermal Bundled System Transient Stability based on Trajectory Sensitivity[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(6): 5-8.
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