Research of Peak and Valley Time Period Partition based on Fuzzy Clustering |
Zheng Cheng1, Tian Yu1, Chen Yihuai2 |
1. School of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineerin, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039; 2. Ziyang Electric Power Corporation, Ziyang, Sichuan 641300 |
Abstract According to semi-trapezoidal membership function, this paper adopts fuzzy clustering method to peak and valley time period partition, and takes into account both the peak-valley morphological features of load curve of power system and the corresponding requirements of users. By analyzing the summer and winter daily load data of somewhere in Sichuan province, it shows that this method can effectively partition peak and valley time periods and provide references for subsequent implementation of peak and valley time price.
Published: 22 June 2016
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Zheng Cheng,Tian Yu,Chen Yihuai. Research of Peak and Valley Time Period Partition based on Fuzzy Clustering[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(6): 13-17.
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