On-site Testing Requirements of Ultra-high Voltage Converter Transformer Insulating Oil and SF6 Gas |
Su Chenyun |
Debugging Branch, Hu’nan Electric Power Transmission and Transformation Construction Company, Changsha 410000 |
Abstract For Hami-Zhen Zhou UHV DC transmission project of ±800kV Zhen Zhou UHV converter transformer for insulating oil transformer, test standards, test items and process quality control points of Converter transformer insulating oil were summarized in the aspects of the new oil, injection transformer oil, hot oil circulation, static oil of transformer, residual oil and OLTC oil; And the influence of transformer oil field test factors and treatment methods were introduced; At the same time, the control points of gas test of Zhen-Zhou HUV converter were analyzed; Because of the Particularity of the SF6 density relay trip contacts on the Converter transformer bushing, a new test method was used; And the test results meet the standard requirements which prove the new method is viable.
Published: 27 July 2016
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Su Chenyun. On-site Testing Requirements of Ultra-high Voltage Converter Transformer Insulating Oil and SF6 Gas[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 146-149.
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