The Continuation Power Flow based on Multiple Load Variation and Redistribution of Generation Power |
Yuan Li, Li Shenghua, Qiu Dejun |
Taizhou Jiangyan Power Supply Branch, Taizhou, Jiangsu 225300 |
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to deal with the improved continuous trend in a number of load changes and redistribution of power generation mode. In the power system, the injected amount change is determined by node change and the amount of load distribution of power generation. In the essay, the energy injected into the space of piecewise linear mode is employed to stimulate changes in multiple loads, while the redistribution of power generation can adopt the most economical allocation plan or other power generators to determine the involvement of each factor, so as to stimulate the changes in energy injection. Use a continuous flow of newly improved algorithm to assess changes in power generation and redistribution effects. Numerical analysis indicates that: a plurality of load changes and redistribution of power generation mode can have a significant impact on the load margin and voltage stability critical point. Compared with the unified change mode of loads and generators, the magnitude of the voltage stability critical point can differ by more than 28% in other change modes.
Published: 24 August 2016
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Yuan Li,Li Shenghua,Qiu Dejun. The Continuation Power Flow based on Multiple Load Variation and Redistribution of Generation Power[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(8): 69-73.
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