Application of Voltage-decreasing and Load Shedding based on Load-voltage Characteristics in Automatic Voltage Control |
Pan Kaiyan, Li Suirong, Wang Yuqin |
Dongfang Electronics Corporation, Yantai, Shandong 264000 |
Abstract It often happens that the power grid runs beyond its schedule or the power device works beyond its safety restriction. The traditional method is to shed some loads by real-time automatic load controlling system. In this paper, a method of soft load shedding is given by the studying the relation of load real active power and its corresponding voltage in the AVC system. The field running results show that this method can meet the real-time demand and supply power to users as much as possible on the basis of power grid safety.
Published: 24 November 2016
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Pan Kaiyan,Li Suirong,Wang Yuqin. Application of Voltage-decreasing and Load Shedding based on Load-voltage Characteristics in Automatic Voltage Control[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(11): 62-67.
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