Research on Novel Constant-voltage Output Control Method for Current-fed IPT System |
Kan Chaohao, Zhu Xiaowei, Cheng Yuan |
School of Electrical & Automatic Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 |
Abstract The current-fed inductively power transfer (IPT) system, aiming at the Output- Voltage-instability problem on a dynamic load, based on the constant transimpedance gain characteristics of the primary side control method is proposed. Taking current-fed IPT system with parallel-primary and parallel-secondary (PP) compensate as an object, by building and analyzing the mutual inductance equivalent circuit, had the characteristics of constant-transimpedance-gain under certain working conditions are derivated. And the efficiency characteristics of PP compensated resonant network are analyzed, optimization of resonant network parameters make the system constant- transimpedance-gain frequency for the efficiency of the optimal frequency. In order to maintain the constant input bus current, the constant-current control system is added in the traditional current-fed IPT topology, and the principle of constant-current control is described. This paper gave design steps based on the novel control method under given conditions. Finally, designed a 80W prototype, the experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis and the correctness of the circuit topology and control strategy is verified.
Published: 24 November 2016
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Kan Chaohao,Zhu Xiaowei,Cheng Yuan. Research on Novel Constant-voltage Output Control Method for Current-fed IPT System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(11): 78-82.
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