Adaptive Test Method for Random Error of Dissolved Gas Monitoring Data in Transformer Oil |
Wu Rongrong1, Zhang Wei1, Fan Yulu2, Deng Yurong1, Zhang Yubo1 |
1. Electric Power Science Research Institute of Guangxi Power Grid Co., Ltd, Nanning 530023; 2. Chongzuo Power Supply Bureau of Guangxi Power Grid Co., Ltd, Chongzuo, Guangxi 532200 |
Abstract Study on the adaptive test method for random error of dissolved gas monitoring data in transformer oil, to change the passive situation of the lack of automatic diagnosis of random error means,reduces the probability of false alarm and missing alarm. First, the data classification, sorting, and calculate the average value of the data, the standard deviation. Secondly, the deviation value of the minimum data and the maximum data in the data sequence is solved. Finally, the iterative test monitoring data based on Grubbs criterion, until the exclusion of all outliers. The actual application results show that this method improves the error correction capability of the system, but also enhance the effectiveness of monitoring and early warning.
Published: 24 November 2016
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Wu Rongrong,Zhang Wei,Fan Yulu等. Adaptive Test Method for Random Error of Dissolved Gas Monitoring Data in Transformer Oil[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(11): 91-95.
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