Measurement and Analysis of EMP Generated from the Interaction between Laser and Target |
Yang Jinwen1, 2, Yang Ming2, Li Tingshuai2, Yi Tao1, Liu Shenye1 |
1. Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan 621900; 2. School of Energy Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 611731 |
Abstract Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) radiating from the interaction when ultra-intense laser irradiated the target was captured by pulse antennas. This paper listed EMP signals from the interactions of nanosecond laser with several targets at the same condition to compare and figure out the effect of target type. Conclusion came out that symmetric targets contributed to the counteraction of electromagnetic interference inside the target chamber. In addition, distance from target chamber center (TCC) was taken into consideration to figure out the transmission regular of the EMP. Along with the increase of distance from TCC, the EMP amplitude decreased first, and then increased, due to the effect of backward-wave oscillation inside target chamber. Also, area closing to the chamber wall sustained more from backward-wave oscillation, resulting in the longer EMP duration. The backward-wave oscillation was demonstrated to occupy a large proportion of the EMP signal inside chamber by argumentation test and shielding experiment. Diagnostic equipment should not be installed in the area near to target chamber center or interior wall.
Published: 13 December 2016
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Yang Jinwen,Yang Ming,Li Tingshuai等. Measurement and Analysis of EMP Generated from the Interaction between Laser and Target[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(12): 5-10.
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