The Power Transmission and Transformation On-line Monitoring System Model based on CIM Extension |
Li Wei, Zhou Yan, Cheng Yongqiang, Xue Jianyong |
North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206 |
Abstract Most power information platforms are using IEC61970 common information model(CIM)which has not focused on the on-line monitoring system at all. This is also the reason why each manufacturer produced its own productions and they usually have their own designing system. This situation has already become an obstacle for designing and implement the visual management system for power transmission and transformation equipment. This paper analyzed the method to extend CIM and proposed a CIM extended power transmission and transformation on-line monitoring system model which is able to comprehensively describethe monitoring equipment. This model shows a strong versatility and scalability while it’s used in power transmission and transformation equipment status visual management system.The system shows the main connection drawing through combining this model with SVG.
Published: 20 January 2017
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Li Wei,Zhou Yan,Cheng Yongqiang等. The Power Transmission and Transformation On-line Monitoring System Model based on CIM Extension[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(1): 77-82.
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