Real Time Correction Control of Low Frequency Oscillation in Power System with Randomness |
Zong Pengpeng, Wang Peixiu, Yan Jihong, Yang Qinchen, Wu Jianchao |
School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096 |
Abstract The main research of this paper is the real-time stability of the system with low frequency oscillation in power system. This paper analyzes the change of the probability distribution of the damping ratio in the case of the randomness, and the calculation method is derived. Based on probability damping ratio and damping ratio sensitivity, control measures have been quantified, in order to determining the optimal control measures, which include control location and amount. The simulation was carried out in two area four machine system, in which the validity of the real time correction control is verified. The method proposed in this paper can effectively suppress the oscillation mode of the system, in which the randomness is considered compared with traditional control measures.
Published: 24 February 2017
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Zong Pengpeng,Wang Peixiu,Yan Jihong等. Real Time Correction Control of Low Frequency Oscillation in Power System with Randomness[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(2): 25-30.
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