The Analysis of Near Magnetic Field Leakage of Toroidal Common Mode Inductance |
Chen Kaibao, Chen Wei |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automatic, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract In order to solve the EMI problem caused by the power converter, the common approach is to use EMI filter. Toroidal common mode inductor as an important component in EMI filter,not only susceptible to external magnetic field interference, but also a major source of magnetic field leakage. In this paper, the distribution and change rule of the near field leakage of the toroidal common mode inductor are analyzed by means of the FEA software Maxwell Ansoft. The paper also analyzed the winding strategies , permeability of core materials, winding angle, the outer diameter of the magnetic for the influence on common mode inductance near magnetic field leakage. The experimental results can be used to guide the design of common mode inductor and circuit layout.
Published: 24 February 2017
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Chen Kaibao,Chen Wei. The Analysis of Near Magnetic Field Leakage of Toroidal Common Mode Inductance[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(2): 41-45.
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