Regional Power Grid Development Initial Stage Electromagnetic Loop Network Weak Open-loop Mode Discuss |
Yang Baoqi |
Xinjiang Tianfu Thermoelectric Limited by Share Ltd electric power dispatching, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832000 |
Abstract With the development of power grid structure is gradually increased, in order to reduce the increasing 220 kV power system short-circuit current level, must gradually adopt open loop operation mode. But in 220kV and 110kV local power grid structure is not perfect situation, hydrolysis of cyclic operation is often difficult to achieve. During this transitional period can take weak open-loop mode, the thermoelectric power grid for example, through the analysis, obtains in the grid structure is not perfect in the period of transition, the weak open-loop mode will be superior to completely open loop way conclusion, which can provide safe and reliable operation of power grids to provide a new way.
Published: 26 June 2014
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Yang Baoqi. Regional Power Grid Development Initial Stage Electromagnetic Loop Network Weak Open-loop Mode Discuss[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(02): 77-85.
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