Analysis on AC Withstand Voltage Test of 500kV SF6 Porcelain Column Circuit Breaker based on the Same Frequency and Phase Technique |
Huang Zhanyu, Ren Zhong |
Shenzhen Power Supply Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000 |
Abstract The same frequecy and phase AC withstand voltage test technique has been widly used in AC voltage tests of 220kV and below GIS extensions or repairs without a power outage of the original adjacent parts but it is seldom used in AC voltage tests of 500kV. In this paper,it tells a successful case about analysis and application on AC withstand voltage test of 500kV SF6 porcelain column circuit breaker in Shenzhen based on the same frequency and phase technique.The result shows that the same frequency and phase AC withstand voltage test technique is also applicable for AC voltage tests of 500kV electrical equipment extensions or repairs without a power outage of the original adjacent parts and that it has the character of safety,reliability and controllability. It is effective to test the insulation of circuit breaker and to improve power supply reliability by sharply reducing outage scope and shortening the blackout time. Apparently,it is of great significance to apply the the same frequency and phase AC withstand voltage test technique to the AC voltage tests of 500kV electrical equipment.
Published: 24 February 2017
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Huang Zhanyu,Ren Zhong. Analysis on AC Withstand Voltage Test of 500kV SF6 Porcelain Column Circuit Breaker based on the Same Frequency and Phase Technique[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(2): 111-116.
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