The Study on Harmonic Level Evaluation and Suppression of Electric Vehicles |
Lu Yueqiao, Ding Liang, Qian Xiangwei, Huang Hua |
Shaoxing Power Supply Company, Ltd, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000 |
Abstract The rapidly developing electric vehicle industry located at the end of the distribution network will produce a large number of harmonics and put forward severe challenges for power quality of the distribution network, so it is necessary for the electric car charging infrastructure to model and simulate and evaluate the harmonic level of influence. Design the charger connected to the electricity grid model and the model of the filter using Matlab/Simulink. Establish the simulation model of the rectifier charger controlled by the three-phase bridge and the passive filter, using fast Fourier transform to analyse the harmonic current without and with filtering. Every harmonic current is significantly reduced after adopting passive filter, reducing the current total harmonic distortion rate and the containing rate of each harmonic current.
Published: 24 February 2017
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Lu Yueqiao,Ding Liang,Qian Xiangwei等. The Study on Harmonic Level Evaluation and Suppression of Electric Vehicles[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(2): 74-77.
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