Real-time Conductor’s Temperature Calculation of High Voltage Cable and Prediction Probe of Ampacity |
Zhao Baishan, Wang Qingzhu |
School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Tecnology, Shenyang 110870 |
Abstract The real-time temperature of cable conductor is the foundation to judge whether the cable reaches its ampacity. In order to calculate the temperature field of cables, related researchers have used the methods of numerical analysis, analytical calculation, testing and temperature-line monitoring, etc. In this paper, on the basis of constructing the cable dynamic thermal circuit model, combined with the laying environment conditions, used Matlab software to get the numerical solution of differential equation groups of dynamic thermal circuit, obtained real-time distribution conditions of the temperature field of cables, and predicted withstand ampacities of cables under different conditions. According to the method, the real-time distribution conditions of temperature field of cables can be obtained under the action of applying the step current, as well as the required time that the conductor reaches the specified temperature can be calculated. The analysis results show that the method in this paper can calculate the real-time temperature field and the withstand ampacities of cables, as well as the temperature rise time of conductor can also be reasonably estimated. For the relevant project practice, the method has important reference significance.
Published: 21 March 2017
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Zhao Baishan,Wang Qingzhu. Real-time Conductor’s Temperature Calculation of High Voltage Cable and Prediction Probe of Ampacity[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 10-15.
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