Research on the Effect of Zinc Coating on Electric Field Distribution of New Solid Insulation Structure |
Li Qiuhong, Hou Chunguang, Gao Youhua |
Institute of Electrical Apparatus New Technology and Application, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870 |
Abstract In recent years, the 12kV solid-insulated ring main units has been vigorously promoted in the distribution system. In order to achieve reliable grounding, zinc plated on the surface of insulation and reliable grounding, it is found that the electric field distribution of insulator is changed greatly. In order to study the effect of zinc coating on the electric field distribution of solid insulation structure, this paper takes the 12kV solid-insulated ring main units as an example, and using the finite element method to simulate. Then analysis of the electric field distribution of the insulation cylinder when the surface is coated with zinc or not. Results show: The maximum electric field strength of the insulation cylinder without zinc coating is lower than that of the critical breakdown field strength, no breakdown; The maximum electric field strength of the insulation cylinder with zinc coating is larger than without zinc coating. If the insulation material has the defect or the structure design is not reasonable, there may occur the partial discharge.
Published: 21 March 2017
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Li Qiuhong,Hou Chunguang,Gao Youhua. Research on the Effect of Zinc Coating on Electric Field Distribution of New Solid Insulation Structure[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 21-24.
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