Study on Spatial LEMP Waveform Characteristics in Near-Field |
Wang Lipeng, Chen Yazhou, Wan Haojiang, Wang Xiaojia |
Institute of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Protection, Ordnance Engineering College,Shijiazhuang 050003 |
Abstract In order to have a further study on spatial LEMP waveform characteristics, the LEMP and the lightning return stroke channel base current were theoretically researched. According to the TL model, it was derived that the relations of spatial LEMP and return stroke channel base current in the near-field. Compared the calculated waveforms of the exact expressions and approximate expressions, and it was found that within a horizontal distance no more 50m from return stroke channel and a vertical height that was from tens meters to hundreds meters, the vertical electric field and its approximate waveforms were basically superposed. Within a horizontal distance no more 200m from return stroke channel and a vertical height no more 500m from ground, the magnetic field and its approximate waveforms were essentially coincident.
Published: 21 March 2017
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Wang Lipeng,Chen Yazhou,Wan Haojiang等. Study on Spatial LEMP Waveform Characteristics in Near-Field[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 36-41.
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