Mobile Integrated Test Method for Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities |
Han Tongyi1, Zhang Huadong2, Huang Dexu3, Zhang Jian2, Li Jianxiang3 |
1. State Grid Shandong Electric Power Research Institute, Ji’nan 250000; 2. State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company, Ji’nan 250000; 3. Shandong Luneng Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd, Ji’nan 250000;
Abstract With the promotion of electric vehicles, charging facilities construction is also in full swing. Charging pile installation site inspection work with the promotion of electric vehicles, charging facilities construction is also in full swing. Charging pile installation site detection work is also becoming more and more important. There has not been a high degree of integration of the test facility. Because the AC and DC charging pile installation fixed in a certain position, the traditional test the test equipment required to transport independently to the site, and then field wiring test work. Which leads to the reduction of test efficiency and precision. In order to solve the problems existing in the prior art, this paper in view of the existing problems, and puts forward the application to the scene of the charger, charging pile mobile detection platform, it has a high degree of equipment integration, wiring is fixed in the container, to avoid repeated wiring of each test. And accurate test data, test speed, test back degree is high, the advantages of small test workload.
Published: 21 March 2017
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Han Tongyi,Zhang Huadong,Huang Dexu等. Mobile Integrated Test Method for Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 117-119.
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