The Power System Subsynchronous Oscillations were Studies based on Eigenvalue Analysis |
Yu Yunxia, Li Juan |
School of Automation, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192 |
Abstract This paper taked the benchmark model as the research object, and used eigenvalue analysis method to analyze the subsynchronous oscillation of power system deeply. The frequency and damping parameters of subsynchronous oscillation were calculated. Furthermore, the eigenvalue analysis method was used to calculate the change of the parameters of the system for the influence of subsynchronous oscillation damping. The correctness of the eigenvalue analysis algorithm was verified by simulation.
Published: 19 April 2017
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Yu Yunxia,Li Juan. The Power System Subsynchronous Oscillations were Studies based on Eigenvalue Analysis[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(4): 44-48.
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