Coordination Control of Isolated Microgrid Composed of Diesel, Photovoltaic and Battaryconsidering Multiple Power Flow |
Xu Congqi1, Jia Guizhi1, Li Zuxian2, Zhu Zhenpeng3, Lin Fang3 |
1. Unit 62026, Xi’an 710032; 2. Unit 62402, Tianjin 300182; 3. Beijing Beibian MicroGrid Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100037 |
Abstract To study isolated microgrid composed of diesel, photovoltaic and energy storage battary, structure and network form are proposed and the coordination control strategy for the system aredescribed in detail. A control strategy, in which the maximum power point tracking control is combined withengine control, storage battery charging and discharging control, is putforward to maximize use of solar energy, reduce the diesel consumption and improve power supply stability. Simulation results show that the proposed control strategy can coordinate power flow of each part of the microgrid, make a reasonable and orderly operation.
Published: 19 April 2017
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Xu Congqi,Jia Guizhi,Li Zuxian等. Coordination Control of Isolated Microgrid Composed of Diesel, Photovoltaic and Battaryconsidering Multiple Power Flow[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(4): 61-65.
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