The Correction Method for Ultra High Voltage Transmission Line Parameters based on Smart Grid Dispatching and Control System |
Li Hao1, Dai Liang1, Chen Li1, Pang Xiaodong2 |
1. Gansu Electric Power Corporation Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730050; 2. Gansu Electric Power Corporation, Lanzhou 730050 |
Abstract With the continuous expansion of the scale, the power grid structure is increasingly complex. So, the accuracy of the Transmission line parameters have great significance to ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid. But for a variety of reasons, the accuracy of the transmission line parameters is difficult to meet the needs of all kinds of power system analysis and calculation in some cases. This paper propose a correction method for ultra high voltage transmission line parameters based on smart grid dispatching and control system. The method simplifies the power flow equation of the two ends of the transmission line, by using the relationship between the transmission line phase and multiple different time sections, calculating and correcting the reactance parameter and ground capacitance parameter of transmission line. Application practice shows that this method is simple and effective, meeting the requirement of power system analysis and calculation on the accuracy of transmission line parameters.
Published: 28 June 2017
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Li Hao,Dai Liang,Chen Li等. The Correction Method for Ultra High Voltage Transmission Line Parameters based on Smart Grid Dispatching and Control System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 48-53.
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