New Power Swing Unblocking Criterion of Symmetrical Fault for Line Protection Relay based on Oscillation Center Voltage |
Li Bin1, Zheng Yuping2, Chen Ruijun1 |
1 State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company, Nanjing 210003; 2. NARI Group Corporation (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute), Nanjing 210003 |
Abstract A new Power Swing Unblocking Criterion of Symmetrical Fault for line Protection Relay is presented in this paper. The defined calculated voltage is equal to the voltage at the swing center during power swing, while it keeps less than arc voltage when a Symmetrical Fault is occurring. What is more, The defined calculated voltage can be considered as uniform changing in a short range, which makes the stay time of calculated voltage in the range can be calculated. According to these characters, An adaptive power swing unblocking criterion is presented. The new criterion is easy to use in current relay protection.
Published: 28 June 2017
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Li Bin,Zheng Yuping,Chen Ruijun. New Power Swing Unblocking Criterion of Symmetrical Fault for Line Protection Relay based on Oscillation Center Voltage[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 59-63.
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