The Treatment and Improvement of Connection Point Heating of the Transformer Substation Capacitor Group |
Tan Yinghui, Jin Haiwang, Li Zhendong, Liu Yang, Wei Zheng |
JIBEI Electric Power Maintenance Company, Beijing 102488 |
Abstract There is a large current in the operation of high voltage capacitor group, if the design, construction and installation, maintenance technologies, operation and maintenance of each connection joint in the capacitor group is not in place, the internal connection of the capacitor group is prone to heating, and long-term exiting it will destroy the normal operation of the capacitor group. According to the reason of capacitor internal connection point of soft copper bar and busbar heating, this paper put forward the corresponding treatment measures, and improved the connection points from the four angles of design, installation, operation and overhaul, that effectively reduced the occurrence probability of the heating of the connection point, put an end to the phenomenon of long-term fever, and ensured the safe and stable operation of the capacitor group.
Published: 28 June 2017
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Tan Yinghui,Jin Haiwang,Li Zhendong等. The Treatment and Improvement of Connection Point Heating of the Transformer Substation Capacitor Group[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 123-127.
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