Optimize for AP1000 RCP Overload Protection Calculation and Verifying |
Ren Shaoyi, Xu Xiaoyue, Chen Tengfei |
Shandong Nuclear Power Company Ltd, Yantai, Shandong 265116 |
Abstract According to calculation result and verifying test for AP1000 RCP overload protection setting, this paper demonstrates the calculation way of SEL-710 relay overload protection setting, analyzes the deficiencies of the RCP overload protection settings and verifying test, provides a new overload protection setting and verifying scheme, verifies rationality and feasibility for the verifying scheme by the improved test. It provides advice and instructions for AP1000 RCP and other motors overload protection calculation and setting verifying tests.
Published: 18 August 2017
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Ren Shaoyi,Xu Xiaoyue,Chen Tengfei. Optimize for AP1000 RCP Overload Protection Calculation and Verifying[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(8): 89-92.
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