Research and Application of Automatic Test System for Voltage Monitor |
Luo Zhongyou1, Li Dongsheng2, Chen Long1 |
1. State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Research Institute, Urumqi 830011; 2. PONOVO Power Co., Ltd, Beijing 100098 |
Abstract The voltage qualified rate can directly reflect the merits of power quality, which is an important production management evaluation index of the power system. The voltage monitor can continuously monitor and statistics the voltage deviation caused by the slow change of the normal operation state of the power system, and realize the statistics of the voltage qualified rate. In this paper, a kind of automatic test system of voltage monitor is introduced, which adopts modular design to develop automatic test software and uses the linear power amplifier technology to develop voltage monitor standard source. The system can achieve basic measurement error test, voltage setting error test, comprehensive measurement error test, clock accuracy test and influence quantity test etc., and ultimately complete batch and automatic test of voltage monitor. The practical application shows that the system can improve the working efficiency by several times, which solves the problem of low efficiency and long inspection time.
Published: 18 August 2017
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Luo Zhongyou,Li Dongsheng,Chen Long. Research and Application of Automatic Test System for Voltage Monitor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(8): 101-104.
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