Fault Analysis of 35kV Substation Power Losing Resulting from the Explosion of Voltage Transformer on the 35kV Line |
Chen Xiaomei |
State Grid Jiangsu Nantong Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd, Nantong, Jiangsu 226006 |
Abstract The paper analyzes the 35kV substation power failure from three aspects which include signal monitor, relay protection and supplementary information. The accident happens when the voltage transformer on the 35kV line explodes. Based the fact, we further make a comprehensive discussion about the cause: system resonance results in the decreased insulation. Meanwhile, the circuit breaker on the line trips after protection to cut the fault which leads to the whole substation power failure. To ensure that the power grid operates safely, stablely and reliably, this paper proposes some suggestions, such as optimizing the power grid operation mode, strengthening the signal monitor and limiting and eliminating the system resonance.
Published: 18 August 2017
Cite this article: |
Chen Xiaomei. Fault Analysis of 35kV Substation Power Losing Resulting from the Explosion of Voltage Transformer on the 35kV Line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(8): 125-128.
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