Analysis of UPQC Power Flow under Fundamental and Harmonic Condition |
Yu Chuan1, 2, Xu Xiuhua3, Wang Shuzheng3 |
1. Training Center of State Grid Anhui Electric Power Corporation, Hefei 230022; 2. Anhui Electrical Engineering Professional Technique College, Hefei 230051; 3. School of Power Engineering Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 210000 |
Abstract In this paper, the equivalent circuit diagram of UPQC is made by the working principle of UPQC and its functions. Then according to the function of UPQC, its power expression is deduced and analyzed when dealing with power quality problems in fundamental and harmonic condition. The instantaneous and average power flow of UPQC is obtained. The conclusions are helpful to grasp the detailed working situation and provide guidance for engineering commissioning, which is helpful to the accurate design of UPQC's main circuit capacity.
Published: 20 September 2017
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Yu Chuan,Xu Xiuhua,Wang Shuzheng. Analysis of UPQC Power Flow under Fundamental and Harmonic Condition[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(9): 24-28.
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