The Analysis on a Burst Fault of Double Umbrella Type Porcelain Insulators on a 220kV Overhead Transmission Line |
Xia Lingzhi1, Cheng Dengfeng1, Qin Jinfei1, Li Senlin1, Ji Kun2 |
1. State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Institute, Hefei 230022; 2. Sate Grid Anhui Electric Power Company, Hefei 230061 |
Abstract String the burst fault of double umbrella type porcelain insulators on a 220kV overhead transmission line, defective batch insulators were extracted for test analysis. The main test items included temperature cycle test, power frequency breakdown test, electromechanical failing load test and porosity test. The results showed that there were two electromechanical failing load tests in the three samples. The measured damage values of the electromechanical failure were much lower than the rated value. The failure modes were porcelain faults, indicating that there were problems with the quality of the insulator. It was recommended to replace the batch insulators, and strengthen the porcelain insulator testing in network, construction acceptance. The zero value detection work should be regularly carried out, and the low value and zero value insulators should be timely replaced.
Published: 20 September 2017
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Xia Lingzhi,Cheng Dengfeng,Qin Jinfei等. The Analysis on a Burst Fault of Double Umbrella Type Porcelain Insulators on a 220kV Overhead Transmission Line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(9): 72-74.
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