Nonsynchronous Sampling Precise Frequency Measurement for Sine Signal based on Three-phase Sequence |
Yan Jieshi1, Wang Wenjing2 |
1. Xi'an XD Automated Control System Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710043; 2. XD-GE Automation Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710018 |
Abstract The development of power quality monitoring and relay protection device,precise frequency measurement is the prerequisite and basis for accurate measurement of all electrical parameters. The thesis uses sequence theory to realizeprecise frequency measurement at nonsynchronous sampling condition for limited frequency deviation sine signal. Firstly, elucidated three-phase sequence measurement theory, gave theoretical derivation and simulation verification. Secondly, used DFT transform, calculated with real and imaginary parts of the three-phase sequence, also completedprecise frequency measurement at nonsynchronous sampling condition. Compared the simulation and verification. The two simulation resultsare the same. This conclusion shows that nonsynchronous samplingbase on three-phase sequence for precise frequency measurement is right. This conclusion provides a very meaningful method of precise frequency measurement for the research and development of electric power measuring device and protection device.
Published: 24 October 2017
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Yan Jieshi,Wang Wenjing. Nonsynchronous Sampling Precise Frequency Measurement for Sine Signal based on Three-phase Sequence[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(10): 79-84.
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