Application of Grounding Mode and Grounding Conductor for Power Transformer Neutral Point in 500kV Hub Substation |
Zeng Yong1, Yang Yongjian2 |
1. Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, China Energy Engineering Group, Guangzhou 510663; 2. Zhongshan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Company, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528400 |
Abstract The grounding requirements of neutral point of 500kV power transformer are summarized in the paper. According to different characteristics of grounding mode and grounding conductor for power transformer neutral point in 500kV power transformer, the grounding mode works by solidly grounding or low-reactance grounding in AC short circuit conditions of main transformer or the gird, and quickly switch to DC-blocking device grounding in main transformer DC bias. Based on the characteristics of the neutral grounding operation mode, calculate grounding conductor for neutral point of power transformer, finally illustrate the selection and application in a project.
Published: 06 December 2017
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Zeng Yong,Yang Yongjian. Application of Grounding Mode and Grounding Conductor for Power Transformer Neutral Point in 500kV Hub Substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(11): 117-120.
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