The Summary of Measurement Methods on Power Cables Conductor AC Resistance with Large Section Area |
Pan Wenlin |
Jiangsu Hengtong High Voltage Submarine Cables Co., Ltd, Changshu, Jiangsu 215537 |
Abstract The cable conductors AC resistance calculation is basedon IEC 60287-1-1 (2006), but the largest conductors section area recommended in the standard is only 1600mm2 with 4segments. In this paper, the testing methods recommended by CIGRE reportis introduced. The powermeter method is used for conductor AC resistance testing with 1600mm2, 5 segments. The relative deviation between the measurement AC conductor resistance and the calculated is 3.7%. CIGRE has recommended tomeasure the conductor AC resistance in the cables routine tests. So, it is urgently to do the research on the measurement for the large section conductor AC resistance.
Published: 22 January 2018
Cite this article: |
Pan Wenlin. The Summary of Measurement Methods on Power Cables Conductor AC Resistance with Large Section Area[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 19-23.
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