Study of Electromagnetic Radiation Disturbance Measurement in Situ for Large Medical Equipment or System |
Zou Mingming, Song Mengchun, Chen Ting, Zheng Yi, Yu Huatong |
Guangdong Medical Devices Quality Surveillance and Test Institute, Guangzhou 510663 |
Abstract The paper studied test method for the electromagnetic disturbance of large medical equipment or systems, and analyzed the differences of in situ testing and laboratory testing. A more practical method is proposed for the measurement in situ of radiated disturbance, and researched the calculation of the Quasi-peak value of electromagnetic radiation disturbance limits of class A group 1 equipment under the 3m and 10m test distances.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Zou Mingming,Song Mengchun,Chen Ting等. Study of Electromagnetic Radiation Disturbance Measurement in Situ for Large Medical Equipment or System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 104-109.
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