Study on the Redundancy Switching Logic of the UHVDC Control Systems based on Lingshao Project |
Fu Yinfang1, Qiao Min2, Cao Litan1, Huang Zhi1, Jia Xuantao1 |
1. Maintenance Company of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 310018; 2. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 310000 |
Abstract The NARI's PCS9550 is used as DC control systems in Lingshao UHVDC project, the switching logic and principle of the control system are analyzed in this paper, the active and standby switching process between the two redundant control systems is studied, and the response strategy of redundant switching logic in different fault levels is studied too. The results show that the redundant switching is initiated by the standby system first, the standby system switched to active mode first, then the original active system out of active mode, the two control systems worked on active mode together in a short time during the switching processes. The research results provide reference for similar engineering design.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Fu Yinfang,Qiao Min,Cao Litan等. Study on the Redundancy Switching Logic of the UHVDC Control Systems based on Lingshao Project[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 126-130.
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