The Control Method of a Distributed PV Energy Storage Off-line Inverter in Parallel with Grid and its Application |
Sun Yuhong1, Yan Lei2 |
1. Shanghai Surpass Sun Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200331; 2. Shandong Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy, Ji'nan 250014; |
Abstract The paper proposes a novel control strategy for distributed energy storage off-line inverter. When the grid is normal, the inverter with the proposed control method can work in parallel with the grid and most load power consumption can be supplied by the grid. When the grid is abnormal, the inverter works in off-line mode quickly in order to supply power to important load uninterruptly. In the other hand, a BUCK-BOOST circuit with power double flow topology is used, therefore, small capacity power battery can satisfy the application in distributed energy storage system. Accordingly the cost of system hardware can be decreased, and the using efficiency of the energy storage battery can be increased. By way of adjusting the amplitude and phase of the output voltage and making the output current phase of the inverter deviate the given angle with the utility current, the electric energy of storage battery not only can be saved, the high power factor can be also be achieved for utility supply source.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Sun Yuhong,Yan Lei. The Control Method of a Distributed PV Energy Storage Off-line Inverter in Parallel with Grid and its Application[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 157-162.
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