Research on three-phase split source inverter based on improved SVPWM control |
Li Bo, Zhang Dairun |
School of Electrical Engineering and Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065 |
Abstract Three-phase split source inverter is a novel converter whichembracesthe boost capability,it usually adopts the traditional SVPWM modulation strategy. In this article, an improved SVPWM modulation strategy is studied. Through redistributing the zero vector in the traditional seven state SVPWM method, the new strategy can effectively improve the boost capability.of the inverter. The proposed strategy is verified by simulation results. Compared with the traditional strategy, the improved SVPWM modulation strategy has higher output voltage and better THD characteristics, also effectively reduces the low frequency component in the inductor current.
Received: 20 May 2017
Published: 22 January 2018
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