Line loss calculation for middle voltage distribution network planning |
Zhang Qin1, Ma Wei1, Fu Jin1, Feng Chao2 |
1. Nanchong Power Supply Company of Sichuan Electric Power Corporation, State Grid, Nanchong, Sichuan 637000 2. Dazhou Power Supply Company of Sichuan Electric Power Corporation, State Grid, Dazhou, Sichuan 635000 |
Abstract The research on line loss for planning grid project is conducive to power grid optimization and energy conservation. In this paper, the method of loss calculation for middle voltage distribution networks is researched. First the artificial neural network is adopted to predict the basic component of line loss. Line loss forecast structure is modeled according to main factors that influence the line loss. In consideration of value range and the unit diversity of the collected original sample data, the independent and dependent variables of the sample are standardization processed. Then train the neural network with improved BP algorithm, the convergence performance and accuracy of prediction is grossly improved. Then the paper calculate and analyze the main factors that influence the loss rate of planning projects, finally correct the predicted loss value in BP algorithm with previous calculation results. An example will be taken to prove the proposed method for loss calculation in this paper practical.
Received: 26 July 2017
Published: 07 February 2018
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