Power quality comprehensive evaluation method for wind plant considering fractional power section |
Yan Quanchun, Gu Wen, Fan Lixin, Xu Gang, Li Chenlong |
Jiangsu Frontier Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract With the development of the wind plant and more and more power customers are strict with power quality, comprehensive evaluations of power quality and improvement have become more and more important. A new power quality comprehensive evaluation method for wind plant considering fractional power section is proposed. Firstly, the hierarchy analysis is used to establish the hierarchical structure of the by fractional power section power quality index data, and each section data is weighted. Then, take the wind plant scale and reactive power compensation equipment capacity allocation as input data, the wind plant quality evalution result is proposed by data envelopment analysis (DEA) method. Last, the power quality evalution result of province wind plants show that the proposed method is more accurate and comprehensive.
Received: 27 August 2017
Published: 07 February 2018
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Yan Quanchun,Gu Wen,Fan Lixin等. Power quality comprehensive evaluation method for wind plant considering fractional power section[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(2): 75-79.
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