The analysis of addressing before startup of ProfiNet IO system |
He Shufen, Shen Yong, Fan Xiongtao, Wang Jingcheng |
Yunnan Minzu University, Electronics and Information College, Kunming 650504 |
Abstract In this paper, through the existing Siemens module and system to build the ProfiNet IOreal time Ethernet network protocol analysis, test and evaluation platform, and the ProfiNet IO system launched before addressing the important part of the real-time message structure in-depth analysis, combined with Wireshark network packet statistics and analysis tools, from the basic content, message format, working principle and so on analysis. Combining the DCP and LLDP in ProfiNet, the controller can reproduce the system topology, and no configuration tool is needed to replace the device. This article will help the automation engineer to deepen understanding of ProfiNet communications. It also provides matting for ProfiNet real-time Ethernet data monitoring, network diagnosis and network analysis.
Received: 24 August 2017
Published: 07 February 2018
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He Shufen,Shen Yong,Fan Xiongtao等. The analysis of addressing before startup of ProfiNet IO system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(2): 96-101.
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