Study on the differences between new and old standards of arcing test of low-voltage assemblies |
Su Xiongbin |
Fujian Inspection and Research Institute for Product Quality, Fuzhou 350002 |
Abstract Harms of internal fault arcing on low-voltage assemblies are introduced. Aiming to the changes between new and old standards of arcing test of assemblies, differences on test parameters, test procedure, test indicators, evaluations of test result, requirements test report, classification of assemblies under arcing conditions and arc ignition protected zone etc. are discussed by comparison, which provide certain references for related technical personnel.
Received: 17 August 2017
Published: 07 February 2018
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Su Xiongbin. Study on the differences between new and old standards of arcing test of low-voltage assemblies[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(2): 102-104.
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