The temperature analysis and experiment of the new-type energy-saving copper-clad aluminum busbar |
Chen Biao1, Luo Donghao2, Wang Sixiang3, Lian Guangkun1, Hao Wei1 |
1. Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190; 2. Guangdong Rizhao Electrical Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 516000; 3. Shanghai Electric Windpower Equipment Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200241; |
Abstract The Copper-Clad Aluminum Pipe Busbar (CCAPB) composed of copper pipe and aluminum pipe is a new type energy-saving busbar. The inside aluminum pipe of CCAPB is covered with the layer of copper pipe. Copper pipe and aluminum pipe are mechanical contact, and each of them shares the whole current. Meanwhile, the inner aluminum pipe has an additional mechanical support function. According to the calculation formula of skin depth, the skin depth of copper is larger than that of aluminum, and the skin effect of copper is stronger at the same time. The structure of copper-clad aluminum increases the effective section area of conductor and reduces the conductor's impedance. So the conductor loss can be decreased and electric energy will be saved. Based on theoretical analysis and experiment, the temperature rise and distributionof CCAPB has carried on and the calculation results are in conformity with the test data. By comparing the test results of CCAPBandconventional solid copper bar,the excellent effect of energy and material saving of CCAPB has been shown at the end of this paper.
Received: 29 August 2017
Published: 19 March 2018
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Chen Biao,Luo Donghao,Wang Sixiang等. The temperature analysis and experiment of the new-type energy-saving copper-clad aluminum busbar[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(3): 85-89.
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