Research on rural power load forecast based on unit household electrical appliance load index |
Xiao Mingwei, Li Pei, Yin Cheng, Yang Lexin, Xie Qianzi |
State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company Wuhu Power Supply Company, Wuhu, Anhui 241000 |
Abstract Rural power network load develops rapidly, but the rural power network is weak, equipment is obsolete, problem is frequent, solving measure is only remedy afterwards,which lacks refine and intensive research, lacks pertinence of solving the problem. The research uses the household electrical appliance in transformer area as a unit, collect the ownership increase and using habit of the rural resident household electrical appliances, the rural power network load could be forecasted exactly in two years by using the unit household electrical appliance load index method which combines the normal power and required coefficient of the rural electrical appliances in the transformer area, which can guide the development of the rural power network, and then increases the reliability of power supply.
Received: 25 October 2017
Published: 18 April 2018
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Xiao Mingwei,Li Pei,Yin Cheng等. Research on rural power load forecast based on unit household electrical appliance load index[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(4): 33-36.
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