The online monitoring method of output capacitor's C and ESR for AC/DC DCM flyback converter |
Cheng Shi'en |
State Grid Anhui electric power company Taihu county power supply company, control center, Taihu, Anhui 246400 |
Abstract In the switching mode power supply system (SMPS), the electrolytic capacitors whose lifetime is the shortest are more likely to fail than other components. In order to avoid the losses cause by capacitor failure, it is necessary to know the working state of electrolytic capacitors in advance so as to replace them in time before they fail. The value of C and ESR (equivalent series resistance) can reflect the performance of electrolytic capacitors, thus the online monitoring of the capacitance parameters is very important. In this paper, an online monitoring scheme of output capacitor's C and ESR for AC/DC DCM flyback converter is proposed. The calculation model of C and ESR is deduced by analyzing the output voltage ripple and the monitoring system is designed. Finally, the simulation results and data verify the validity of the theory.
Received: 17 October 2017
Published: 18 April 2018
Cite this article: |
Cheng Shi'en. The online monitoring method of output capacitor's C and ESR for AC/DC DCM flyback converter[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(4): 37-41.
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