The analysis with gap overltage protection and protection gap of 220kV transformer neutral point |
Zhai Baoyu, Ma Tao, Li Kaixin |
State Grid Xinjang Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute, Urumqi 830000 |
Abstract In this paper, according to the voltage vector analysis of the actual operation of the transformer neutral zero sequence voltage range. According to the zero sequence voltage value, calculate the transformer neutral point over-voltage protection set value, the relay protection reliable action, jump circuit breaker. The transformer to exit the operation. And according to the value of zero sequence voltage, a rough calculation of the neutral point to protect the gap distance. In the system occurs when the single-phase ground protection gap is not reliable breakdown, in the system of local ground failure over-voltage endanger the safety of the neutral point of the case, the protection gap and reliable breakdown.
Received: 24 October 2017
Published: 18 April 2018
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Zhai Baoyu,Ma Tao,Li Kaixin. The analysis with gap overltage protection and protection gap of 220kV transformer neutral point[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(4): 54-57.
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