Design of 20kV/6Mvar static var generator with redundant operation ability for rail transit |
Qiu Zhiling, Wan Liqiang, Zhang Ming, Rui Guoqiang |
Nanjing APEX Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210032 |
Abstract In rail transit, a 20kV/6Mvar static var generator system with long lifetime and high reliability is required. In this paper, a SVG system based on 14 400V/500kvar SVG modules redundant parallel with step-up transformer, real time var reference sending via double data bus with CAN and 485, main controller 1+1 redundancy, long lifetime SVG module integrate intelligent power module is proposed to satisfy the requirement. Field experiment results prove the main circuit and control system structure proposed in this paper is effective and can satisfy the requirement.
Received: 09 November 2017
Published: 21 May 2018
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Qiu Zhiling,Wan Liqiang,Zhang Ming等. Design of 20kV/6Mvar static var generator with redundant operation ability for rail transit[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(5): 15-20.
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