Two side time synchronization check and travelling wave fault location independent of synchronize time |
Tan Hao, Xu Xiaochun, Zhao Qingchun, Chen Yulin, Lu Jinfeng |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210000 |
Abstract This paper analyzed the influence of time asynchrony caused by GPS signal deviation on two terminal travelling wave fault location, then the method of time synchronization check on GPS signal deviation is proposed. By the integration with both transmission line protection function and travelling wave fault location function, time synchronization of GPS signal is checked by the synchronous sampling internal clock of digital line current differential protection. Meanwhile, two terminal travelling wave fault location method independent of two side time synchronization is proposed in this paper. At last, simulation for verification is given, the methods proposed in this paper can effectively improve the reliability and practicability of two terminal travelling wave location.
Received: 11 June 2018
Published: 15 January 2019
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Tan Hao,Xu Xiaochun,Zhao Qingchun等. Two side time synchronization check and travelling wave fault location independent of synchronize time[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(1): 80-83.
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