Analysis of zero sequence protection action abnormally for photovoltaic power station transmission line |
Zhang Guangru, Yang Yong, Liu Lijuan, Zhu Hongyi, Ma Xiping |
State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institution, Lanzhou 730070 |
Abstract For the 35kV transmission line zero sequence over-current and overload trip fault of photovoltaic power station, analysis method for the influence of three-phase unbalanced current on zero-sequence protection is given in this paper. In addition, all possible reasons of the zero sequence current protection action abnormally are analyzed synthetically, and some solving suggestions are also proposed. The analysis method and the solving suggestions have certain practical value for improving the reliability and safety of photovoltaic power station.
Received: 14 May 2018
Published: 15 January 2019
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Zhang Guangru,Yang Yong,Liu Lijuan等. Analysis of zero sequence protection action abnormally for photovoltaic power station transmission line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(1): 93-96.
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