Research and design of a power supply monitoring system based on two-bus for fire protection equipment |
Wang Yue, Liao Youwei, Yang Liufang |
School of Electrical and Information Technology, Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming 650500 |
Abstract In order to ensure that the fire protection equipment in the building can work effectively to prevent and put out fires, it is necessary to set up a power monitoring system for fire protection equipment to guarantee the good working condition of its power supply. On the basis of the traditional monitoring system, a power monitoring system for fire protection equipment based on Two-bus communication is designed. The communication module of the monitor adopts EV620 module, which contains the enhanced main station control IC of two-bus technology: PB620. The Two-bus replaces the traditional separate control cable and power supply cable by modulating the control signal on the power supply cable, and it also greatly improves the communication stability. The STM32F103CBT6 chip produced by STMicroelectronics is used to design the monitoring sensor, which can also achieve reliable data acquisition and transmission through the data collection and processing of communication. The system software is designed to make it stable and reliable, meet the requirements of the national standard, and ensure the normal operation of the fire protection equipment’s power supply.
Received: 18 July 2018
Published: 18 February 2019
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Wang Yue,Liao Youwei,Yang Liufang. Research and design of a power supply monitoring system based on two-bus for fire protection equipment[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(2): 42-47.
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