Self calibration analysis of main transformer zero difference protection loop based on phase angle discriminant device |
Lu Ming1, Yang Peihao2, Wu Pengyue2, Xue Lei2, Guo Xia2 |
1. Power Dispatching and Control Center of China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510623; 2. Xi'an Thermal Power Research Institute, Xi'an 710054 |
Abstract In order to solve the circuit checking problem of zero-sequence differential protection of main transformer in power system, a method based on phase-angle discriminant is proposed to judge the polarity of zero-sequence differential protection circuit of main transformer. On the basis of this method, a self-calibration device for zero-sequence differential protection circuit of main transformer is developed. The self-calibration device can realize timely, accurate and automatic calibration of zero-sequence differential protection circuit and improve the reliability of zero-sequence differential protection operation. Finally, the proposed method is verified by dynamic simulation and field experiment. The self-calibration device can calibrate the zero-sequence differential protection circuit timely, accurately and automatically, and improve the reliability of the zero-sequence differential protection operation. Finally, the reliability and correctness of the proposed method are verified by the simulation of the dynamic simulation unit and the field experiment.
Received: 19 October 2018
Published: 17 June 2019
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Lu Ming,Yang Peihao,Wu Pengyue等. Self calibration analysis of main transformer zero difference protection loop based on phase angle discriminant device[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(6): 21-24.
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