Application safety analysis and system design of lithium iron phosphate battery in substation |
Mei Chenglin, Zhao Wei |
Power Grid Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510000 |
Abstract The research in domestic on the feasibility of applying lithium iron phosphate battery in substation, mainly cover the research of floatation performance, the modification of floating charge performance and the non-floating charging mode of lithium iron phosphate battery. Lithium batteries are considered an ideal replacement for lead-acid batteries in substation DC power supplies. However, lithium iron phosphate batteries still have the characteristics of being unable to overcharge and discharge, poor consistency, and small monomer capacity, so that there are still safety risks that cannot be ignored in the application of substations. In order to solve the above problems, In this paper it is designed that a topology structure of lithium iron phosphate battery which connect in series to meet the voltage level and then connect in parallels to meet the capacity requirements. It performs independent charging control for each battery pack to avoid the risk of over-charging and parallel battery pack circulation, which could meet the seamless power supply requirements of DC bus bars during AC power loss.
Received: 22 October 2018
Published: 17 June 2019
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Mei Chenglin,Zhao Wei. Application safety analysis and system design of lithium iron phosphate battery in substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(6): 70-73.
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